Enviramet, Inc.
EnviraMet, Inc. was established in May 2013, with offices in Canada and US. It is involved in research and consulting on projects related to environmental issues and radiation safety. We developed revolutionary EnviraMet® water treatment technologies. Three patent-pending product/process packages comprise our portfolio, with EnviraMet® Sorb, EnviraMet® Oil, and EnviraMet® Rad each focusing on unique spectra of industrial settings and water compositions.

Our proprietary EnviraMet® Sorb media operates in a wide pH range and can be easily adapted for selective removal of multiple species of concern including arsenic, selenium, mercury, chromium, molybdenum, vanadium, lead, various radionuclides, as well as organic compounds from industrial effluent.

Our novel EnviraMet® Oil system allows for the selective removal of petroleum and petroleum components. The method can be applied for treatment of various process streams with undesirable organic contaminants. EnviraMet® Oil can be used separately or in combination with other methods.

Our EnviraMet® Rad technology allows for the removal of radionuclides of concern including cesium, strontium, and uranium from groundwater, sea water, and industrial effluent. The efficiency is high (>99%), and final waste produced is minimal.